Saturday, December 13, 2008

Antonyms Q-Z

quell :: foment :: divert :: confirm :: convoke :: delay :: a

querulous :: amenable :: pathetic :: remorseful :: mercenary :: avid :: a

querulous :: joking :: not curious :: dreamy :: sated :: satisfied :: e

quiescence :: impartiality :: subtlety :: indictment :: rationality :: action :: e

quiescent :: restless :: exempt :: malignant :: mendicant :: farcical :: a

quota :: decisive action :: unlimited number :: anonymous remark :: irrelevant topic :: debatable issue :: b

quotidian :: extraordinary :: certain :: wishful :: secret :: premature :: a

radiate :: approach :: cool :: absorb :: tarnish :: vibrate :: c

raffish :: grotesque :: delinquent :: uncaring :: noble :: evil :: d

raffish :: tyrannical :: august :: simplified :: questionable :: moronic :: b

rail :: speak well of :: refuse to accept :: make note of :: return to :: pass over :: a

rally :: refute :: belittle :: fulfill :: forget :: disband :: e

rankle :: assuage :: duplicate :: divulge :: append :: permeate :: a

rant :: work conscientiously :: stroke gently :: define vaguely :: exhale smoothly :: speak moderately :: e

rarefy :: make less humid :: make less opaque :: make more voluminous :: make more dense :: make more oily :: d

ratiocination :: insinuation :: execution :: perturbation :: salvation :: intuition :: e

raucous :: mellifluous :: uncooked :: realistic :: veracious :: anticipating :: a

ravage :: realize :: revenge :: reconstruct :: replenish :: pusillanimous :: c

ravel :: remain silent :: increase in value :: knit :: omit :: measure :: c

recalcitrant :: polished :: feckless :: yielding :: somber :: miserly :: c

recalcitrant :: tractable :: fearful :: remembering :: bellicose :: artistic :: a

recherché :: learned :: tiresome :: usual :: studied :: outrageous :: c

recidivism :: effective rehabilitation :: deep depression :: unique talent :: sufficient funds :: truthful accusation :: a

recluse :: erudite person :: person who prefers solitude :: person who loves society :: patriot :: individualist :: c

recondite :: roughly finished :: easily understood :: newly discovered :: rarely performed :: carefully developed :: b

recreant :: plodding :: imaginative :: gallant :: craven :: ravenous :: c

rectify :: remedy :: redeem :: err :: turn left :: sanctify :: c

redolent :: enthusiastic :: propitious :: agreeable :: fetid :: unsure :: d

redress :: injury :: freedom :: belief :: endearment :: unemployment :: a

refractory :: corrosive :: inebriated :: punitive :: extenuating :: zealous :: e

refractory :: refreshing :: burdensome :: privileged :: manageable :: upright :: d

refractory :: renewing :: obedient :: unsatisfactory :: blasphemous :: chilly :: b

refulgent :: overflowing :: effortless :: dim :: noisy :: snoring :: c

regal :: oppressive :: common :: major :: basic :: entertaining :: b

rehabilitate :: clothe :: destroy :: avenge :: vanish :: embarrass :: b

rejuvenate :: age :: revive :: preview :: afterview :: jovial :: a

relish :: dislike :: avoid :: nibble :: gourmandize :: dine :: a

remiss :: painstaking :: unduly :: consequential :: negligent :: sorry :: a

renegade :: escapade :: one who cancels :: loyalist :: glade :: positive person :: c

renege :: carry out faithfully :: react swiftly :: follow up immediately :: debase totally :: turn to pleadingly :: a

repine :: intensify :: excuse :: express joy :: feel sure :: rush forward :: c

replete :: devoid :: sated :: saturated :: encouraged :: avid :: a

reprobate :: difficult situation :: righteous individual :: complex relationship :: healthy society :: unified group :: b

reprove :: prevail :: commend :: ascertain :: prove false :: scarify :: b

repudiate :: answer :: continue :: accept :: becalm :: annoy :: c

repugnance :: love :: absolution :: blame :: virtue :: awe :: a

retain :: allocate :: distract :: relegate :: discard :: misplace :: d

retard :: redirect :: release :: smooth over :: speed up :: speak for :: d

reticence :: silence :: loquaciousness :: quiescence :: patience :: surrender :: b

reticence :: silence :: loquaciousness :: quiet :: calm :: storm :: b

retrench :: vilify :: infringe :: advocate :: enjoin :: augment :: e

revile :: slander :: awake :: deaden :: praise :: secrete :: d

rotundity :: promenade :: nave :: grotesqueness :: slimness :: impropriety :: d

rubicund :: dangerous :: pallid :: remote :: indicative :: nonsensical :: b

ruddy :: robust :: witty :: wan :: exotic :: creative :: c

rudimentary :: pale :: fundamental :: asinine :: developed :: quiescent :: d

rudimentary :: steering :: embryonic :: calculated :: desperate :: advanced :: e

rueful :: sad :: content :: capable :: capital :: zealous :: b

ruthless :: merciful :: majestic :: mighty :: militant :: maximum :: a

ruthless :: pitiless :: scant :: merciful :: armed :: mature :: c

sacerdotal :: religious :: frank :: authoritative :: violent :: lay :: e

sadistic :: happy :: quaint :: kindhearted :: vacant :: fortunate :: c

sagacious :: fat :: stupid :: happy :: unwelcome :: irrational :: b

sagacious :: foolish :: bitter :: voracious :: veracious :: fallacious :: a

salacious :: expensive :: wholesome :: empty :: religious :: private :: b

salient :: concealed :: inclined :: stagnant :: blameworthy :: omnipotent :: a

sallow :: deep :: ruddy :: wise :: conciliatory :: complicated :: b

sallow :: ruddy :: deep :: vinegary :: conciliatory :: embarrassed :: a

sallow :: salacious :: ruddy :: colorless :: permitted :: minimum :: b

salubrious :: salty :: bloody :: miasmic :: maudlin :: wanted :: c

salubrious :: unhealthful :: in short supply :: out of date :: poorly planned :: gradual :: a

salvage :: remove :: outfit :: burn :: lose :: confuse :: d

sanguine :: choleric :: sickening :: warranted :: irritated :: pessimistic :: e

sanguine :: hot :: frantic :: arctic :: pessimistic :: related :: d

sardonic :: cynical :: saturnine :: amateurish :: glib :: sincere :: e

saturnine :: dry :: attractive :: cheerful :: quiet :: wicked :: c

saturnine :: earthy :: cheerful :: complicated :: maudlin :: straight :: b

savory :: sapid :: noisome :: improvident :: insipid :: insignificant :: d

schism :: concealment :: calm :: clumsiness :: union :: reduction :: d

scotch :: foster :: quail :: sully :: teetotal :: transplant :: a

scourge :: predict :: reward :: reflect :: project :: confine :: b

scurrilous :: savage :: scabby :: decent :: volatile :: major :: c

scurvy :: completely centered :: above reproach :: imaginative :: valiant :: carefree :: b

secular :: vivid :: clerical :: punitive :: positive :: varying :: b

sedentary :: vicarious :: loyal :: accidental :: active :: afraid :: d

seditious :: incendiary :: orderly :: sedate :: proper :: quaint :: b

sedulous :: imposing :: fluctuating :: lazy :: ample :: exemplary :: c

segment :: affix :: inflate :: cleanse :: make whole :: keep still :: d

senescence :: youth :: romance :: doldrums :: quintessence :: friendship :: a

senility :: maturity :: dotage :: childhood :: frankness :: lethargy :: c

sensual :: seasonal :: personal :: wicked :: spiritual :: free :: d

sententious :: practical :: avid :: verbose :: verbal :: excused :: c

sequester :: act curiously :: request :: fail to find :: retire :: include :: e

serendipitous :: calm :: planned :: flat :: evil :: regulated :: b

servile :: butter :: evil :: independent :: erect :: humble :: c

servile :: menial :: puerile :: futile :: lowly :: haughty :: e

sessile :: ceasing :: mobile :: steady :: solvent :: searing :: b

shoddy :: superior :: incomplete :: inadequate :: querulous :: garrulous :: a

sinister :: unwed :: ministerial :: good :: returned :: splintered :: c

sleazy :: dully colored :: roughly finished :: firmly textured :: heavily padded :: intricately woven :: c

sleazy :: fanciful :: creeping :: substantial :: uneasy :: warranted :: c

sloth :: intelligence :: secrecy :: neatness :: elegance :: industry :: e

sloth :: penitence :: filth :: futility :: poverty :: industry :: e

slovenly :: half-baked :: loved :: inappropriate :: tidy :: rapidly :: d

slovenly :: happily :: hapless :: inconspicuous :: magnanimous :: methodical :: e

sobriety :: inebriety :: aptitude :: scholasticism :: monotony :: aversion :: a

solecism :: gregariousness :: illegality :: commonplace :: inherited trait :: proper usage :: e

solicitude :: credulity :: inattention :: proclivity :: toxicity :: aplomb :: b

solstice :: equinox :: sunrise :: pigsty :: interstices :: iniquity :: a

solvent :: enigmatic :: bankrupt :: fiducial :: puzzling :: gilded :: b

somatic :: mental :: menial :: soporific :: loyal :: frantic :: a

sophomoric :: unprecedented :: mature :: insipid :: intellectual :: illusionary :: b

soporific :: artificial nourishment :: hallucinatory experience :: effective cure :: auxiliary :: stimulant :: e

soporific :: awakening :: dining :: caustic :: memorial :: springing :: a

soporific :: legal :: illegal :: stimulant :: wonderful :: famous :: c

soporific :: parasite :: energizer :: supervisor :: cleanser :: itinerant :: b

sordid :: magnificent :: sad :: lugubrious :: lamentable :: halcyon :: a

specious :: unfeigned :: significant :: valid :: agreeable :: restricted :: c

spurious :: genuine :: angry :: mitigated :: interrogated :: glorious :: a

spurious :: goading :: fantastic :: halting :: melancholy :: genuine :: e

spurious :: goading :: fantastic :: melancholy :: genuine :: irritating :: d

spurious :: malignant :: authentic :: incumbent :: gracious :: speculative :: b

spurious :: soft :: harmful :: new :: authentic :: contradictory :: d

squander :: fortify :: depart :: roam :: preserve :: forfeit :: d

stability :: disparity :: inconstancy :: opposition :: carelessness :: weariness :: b

staccato :: musical :: long :: legato :: sneezing :: pounded :: c

stamina :: patience :: pistils :: weakness :: fascination :: patina :: c

stark :: rigid :: dazed :: thoroughly :: stiffened :: partial :: e

stereotyped :: original :: antique :: modeled :: repetitious :: continued :: a

stertorous :: typical :: working :: northern :: labored :: lyrical :: d

stint :: expunge :: relinquish :: burden :: squander :: contemplate :: d

stoic :: anemic :: passionate :: wasted :: pliable :: gossamer :: b

strident :: skinny :: honest :: pleasant :: simple :: significant :: c

stubborn :: frivolous :: fatuous :: disciplined :: bashful :: pliant :: e

stultify :: invite :: assess :: identify :: magnify :: enlighten :: e

stymie :: entreat :: apprise :: foster :: lend credibility :: change direction :: c

subliminal :: radiant :: unknown :: obvious :: domestic :: horizontal :: c

sublimity :: erosion :: baseness :: conciseness :: insistence :: partiality :: b

supercilious :: common :: humble :: angry :: witty :: relaxed :: b

supercilious :: excited :: subservient :: haughty :: below standard :: whimsical :: b

superfluity :: excess :: superiority :: liquor :: dearth :: inferiority :: d

supernal :: reflective :: moderate :: devilish :: pastoral :: spontaneous :: c

supine :: vigilant :: flustered :: distorted :: brittle :: awkward :: a

surreptitious :: discourteous :: above water :: underpaid :: overcautious :: straightforward :: e

sybaritic :: foolish :: obdurate :: consistent :: austere :: conservative :: d

tacit :: late :: open :: implied :: skilled :: indiscreet :: b

taciturn :: dubious :: garrulous :: strategic :: pleasant :: gullible :: b

taciturn :: revolving :: maintaining :: callous :: beautiful :: garrulous :: e

tantamount :: insignificant :: unequal :: ignoramus :: underground :: beautiful :: b

tawdry :: sagacious :: truthful :: hilarious :: elegant :: functional :: d

teleological :: without purpose :: above criticism :: containing imperfections : lacking vision : pertaining to outer space:: a

temerarious :: contagious :: plucky :: prudent :: discreet :: lucky :: c

temerity :: imbroglio :: diffidence :: cognomen :: effervescence :: composure :: b

tenacious :: indecisive :: vacillating :: yielding :: smug :: pacific :: c

tenuous :: unseemly :: inherited :: substantial :: forlorn :: awkward :: c

terminus :: roadway :: marina :: spontaneity :: beginning :: replica :: d

testiness :: devotion :: patience :: methodicalness :: caution :: discretion :: b

torpor :: finality :: imbalance :: coldness :: creativity :: vivacity :: e

torpor :: lucidity :: cohesion :: activity :: sobriety :: upshot :: c

tousle :: shovel :: groom :: catch :: caress :: clean :: b

tractable :: inadmissible :: unquestionable :: unsystematic :: froward :: submissive :: d

tractable :: untenable :: unbearable :: unusable :: unreliable :: unmanageable :: e

transient :: carried :: close :: permanent :: removed :: certain :: c

transient :: urgent :: youthful :: original :: eternal :: unfaithful :: d

transparent :: indelicate :: neutral :: opaque :: somber :: tangible :: c

travail :: excitement :: exaggeration :: solitude :: trouble :: relaxation :: e

travesty :: intentional slight :: light burden :: good rapport :: assertion :: paragon :: e

treacherousness :: intellectuality :: faithfulness :: noteworthiness :: pleasantness :: consideration :: b

tremulous :: agitated :: infinitesimal :: serene :: magnanimous :: robust :: c

trenchant :: obtuse :: timorous :: abundant :: exotic :: singular :: a

trencherman :: finicky eater :: infantryman :: soldier :: imbiber :: epicure :: a

trepidation :: contempt :: restlessness :: rancor :: vigilance :: courage :: e

trite :: correct :: original :: distinguished :: premature :: certain :: b

trite :: meaningful :: original :: proverbial :: healthy :: ugly :: b

truculent :: gentle :: dim :: dainty :: silent :: pure :: a

truculent :: hampered :: docile :: unappetizing :: petulant :: candid :: b

trumpery :: intensity :: velocity :: honesty :: density :: pomposity :: c

tumult :: individuality :: repose :: origin :: sparse growth :: poor adaptation :: b

turbid :: clear :: improbable :: invariable :: honest :: turgid :: a

turbid :: limpid :: activated :: turgid :: viscous :: hungry :: a

turbulence :: calm :: storm :: weariness :: agitation :: anxiety :: a

turbulence :: reaction :: approach :: impropriety :: calm :: hostility :: d

turgid :: frigid :: rough :: rancid :: optical :: flaccid :: e

turgid :: sanitary :: resistant :: agile :: deflated :: colorless :: d

turpitude :: inherent virtue :: placidity :: clear thought :: recklessness :: slenderness :: a

turpitude :: probity :: determinedness :: pragmatism :: animation :: judiciousness :: a

turpitude :: saintly behavior :: clever conversation :: lively imagination :: agitation :: lucidity :: a

tyro :: expert :: novice :: retire :: place :: saint :: a

tyro :: infant :: rubber :: personnel :: idiot :: expert :: e

ulterior :: tipped :: stated :: sparking :: uncompromising :: corrugated :: b

ultimate :: competing :: throbbing :: poisonous :: incipient :: powerful :: d

ultimate :: incipient :: final :: postpaid :: futile :: influential :: a

unalloyed :: destabilized :: unregulated :: assimilated :: adulterated :: condensed :: d

unanimity :: simplicity :: discord :: clamor :: harmony :: solemnity :: b

unassuaged :: bandaged :: likely :: soothed :: faulty :: tender :: c

unbridled :: restrained :: guided :: sensitive :: ferocious :: cultured :: a

unconventionality :: perceptibility :: inscrutability :: imperturbability :: fidelity to custom :: formality of discourse :: d

uncouth :: rude :: graceful :: trim :: crude :: dry :: b

undermine :: recline :: ascend :: review :: invest :: strengthen :: e

undermine :: submerge :: supersede :: overhaul :: undergird :: intersperse :: d

unearth :: conceal :: gnaw :: clean :: fling :: reach :: a

unearth :: conform :: conceal :: respect :: blend :: plot :: b

unearth :: dig :: conceal :: inter :: enter :: absolve :: b

unearth :: exhume :: extirpate :: dig up :: inter :: revive :: d

unfeigned :: deserved :: intense :: terse :: brief :: disguised :: e

unfeigned :: pretended :: fashionable :: wary :: switched :: colonial :: a

unfeigned :: pretentious :: cautious :: simulated :: designed :: controlled :: c

ungainly :: graceful :: exceptional :: winning :: sensible :: average :: a

ungainly :: graceful :: unfortunate :: miserly :: remote :: clever :: a

ungainly :: ignorant :: graceful :: detailed :: dancing :: pedantic :: b

unimpeachable :: fruitful :: rampaging :: faulty :: pensive :: thorough :: c

unimpeachable :: not blameless :: fault-finding :: practical :: alleged :: venial :: a

unison :: duct :: harmony :: sweetness :: solo :: discord :: e

unkempt :: bombed :: washed :: neat :: shabby :: tawdry :: c

unkempt :: tidy :: clean :: clever :: close :: undressed :: a

unruly :: chatting :: obedient :: definite :: lined :: curious :: b

unruly :: curly :: tractable :: bright :: tortuous :: blue :: b

unscathed :: honest :: scalded :: wounded :: cleansed :: forgiven :: c

unseemly :: effortless :: proper :: conducive :: pointed :: informative :: b

unseemly :: starting :: becoming :: sered :: coarse :: hurt :: b

unsullied :: tarnished :: countless :: soggy :: papered :: homicidal :: a

untenable :: supportable :: tender :: sheepish :: tremulous :: adequate :: a

untenable :: untrue :: supportable :: limited :: favorite :: precise :: b

untoward :: direct :: decisive :: necessary :: favorable and anticipated :: confident and prepared :: d

unwitting :: clever :: intense :: sensitive :: freezing :: intentional :: e

unwitting :: foolish :: fashionable :: intentional :: analogous :: anonymous :: c

urbane :: poisonous :: rustic :: scholarly :: futile :: naive :: e

utilitarian :: resourceful :: practical :: artistic :: evil :: magnanimous :: c

uxorious :: resenting another's good fortune :: wishing for an end of the world :: believing that war is godly :: hating one's own wife :: trying to help others :: d

vacillate :: rise above :: remain constant :: laugh heartily :: attempt unsuccessfully :: incur expenses :: b

vacillating :: resolute :: soothing :: embroiling :: predicting :: verifying :: a

vacillation :: remorse :: relief :: respect :: steadfastness :: inoculation :: d

vacuous :: precognitive :: precocious :: insightful :: plentiful :: slight :: c

vacuous :: stupid :: cloudy :: full :: frantic :: loose :: c

vague :: expressive :: felicitous :: well-defined :: nearly perfect :: closely matched :: c

valedictory :: sad :: collegiate :: derivative :: salutatory :: promising :: d

valetudinarian :: senile person :: farewell speaker :: healthy person :: servant :: agent :: c

vanguard :: regiment :: rear :: echelon :: protection :: loyalty :: c

vapid :: foremost :: premeditated :: beautiful :: febrile :: spirited :: e

vaunted :: leaped :: belittled :: refused to jump :: adult :: purged :: b

vaunted :: unvanquished :: fell :: belittled :: exacting :: believed :: c

vehement :: substantial :: regular :: calm :: cautious :: sad :: c

venal :: springlike :: honest :: angry :: indifferent :: going :: b

veneration :: derision :: blame :: avoidance :: ostracism :: defiance :: a

venial :: unforgivable :: unforgettable :: unmistaken :: fearful :: fragrant :: a

venturous :: timorous :: confiscatory :: lethal :: tubercular :: dorsal :: a

veracious :: hungry :: sated :: tawdry :: mendacious :: limited :: d

verdant :: insincere :: stationary :: absolute :: blunt :: faded :: e

veritable :: impetuous :: pernicious :: inefficacious :: disastrous : specious :: e

verity :: sanctity :: reverence :: falsehood :: rarity :: household :: c

vertex :: whirlpool :: drift :: vehicle :: base :: context :: d

viable :: moribund :: salable :: useful :: foolish :: inadequate :: a

vilify :: erect :: eulogize :: better :: magnify :: horrify :: b

vilify :: sing the praises of :: show satisfaction with :: regard with distrust :: welcome with glee :: accept halfheartedly :: a

vindicate :: point out :: blame :: declare :: evict :: menace :: b

virile :: honest :: loyal :: effeminate :: pugnacious :: virtuous :: c

viscid :: bent :: prone :: cool :: slick :: slight :: d

voluble :: intermittent :: inebriated :: refined :: reticent :: forgone :: d

voracious :: bellicose :: powerful :: generous :: inclined :: stoic :: c

waffle :: discharge :: construct :: insist harshly :: praise repeatedly :: speak unequivocally :: e

wanton :: desirous :: chaste :: runaway :: watery :: trivial :: b

wastrel :: conservator :: prodigal :: lutist :: noble :: phantasm :: a

wastrel :: trash :: paragon :: mortal :: tolerance :: song :: b

wax :: grow larger :: grow smaller :: grow wilder :: polish :: mar :: b

welter :: orderly arrangement :: convincing remark :: inconclusive meeting :: luxuriant growth :: eccentric character :: a

yokel :: singer :: humorist :: urbane individual :: farmer :: young man :: c

zenith :: nadir :: height :: summit :: depth :: width :: a

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