Saturday, December 13, 2008

Antonyms H-P

hackneyed :: carried :: original :: banal :: timely :: oratorical :: b

haggard :: plump :: dietetic :: gaunt :: caloric :: broad :: a

haggard :: shrewish :: inspired :: plump :: maidenly :: vast :: c

halcyon :: pacific :: prior :: subsequent :: puerile :: martial :: e

halcyon :: rough :: meager :: notable :: varied :: customary :: a

halcyon :: turbulent :: meager :: notable :: varied :: usual :: a

hamper :: feed :: support :: animate :: treat lightly :: caution :: b

haphazard :: fortuitous :: indifferent :: deliberate :: accidental :: conspiring :: c

hapless :: carefree :: ill :: contented :: without vice :: fortunate :: e

hapless :: cheerful :: consistent :: fortunate :: considerate :: shapely :: c

hapless :: fortuitous :: fortunate :: fortified :: fermented :: happily :: b

hapless :: wealthy :: unhappy :: happy :: fortunate :: strong :: d

harbinger :: mountain resort :: follower :: cymbal :: bird :: autumn :: b

hedonist :: female :: martinet :: scientist :: intellectual :: puritan :: e

hegira :: return :: harem :: oasis :: panic :: calm :: a

heretic :: sophist :: believer :: interpreter :: pacifist :: owner :: b

hermetic :: abundant :: derisive :: permeable :: steadfast :: corpulent :: c

heterogeneity :: reality :: similarity :: irrelevance :: originality :: delusion :: b

heterogeneous :: blasphemous :: pious :: uniform :: villainous :: palatable :: c

heterogeneous :: orthodox :: pagan :: unlike :: similar :: banished :: d

hiatus :: nexus :: atavist :: cognate :: vortex :: reflex :: a

hibernal :: estival :: drowsy :: sleepy :: wintry :: vicious :: a

hibernal :: wintry :: summerlike :: local :: seasonal :: springlike :: b

hilarity :: gloom :: heartiness :: weakness :: casualty :: paucity :: a

hirsute :: naked :: plain :: melted :: bald :: clear :: d

hirsute :: scaly :: bald :: erudite :: quiet :: long :: b

homogeneous :: parsimonious :: consciousness :: variegated :: loquacious :: differential :: c

hone :: shorten :: blunt :: fuse :: bend :: delay :: b

hortatory :: inquiring :: denying :: killing :: frantic :: dissuading :: e

hoyden :: burden :: lighter :: demure girl :: gamin :: traffic :: c

humility :: comedy :: queerness :: arrogance :: loyalty :: fastidiousness :: c

hummock :: hillock :: scorn :: elevation :: vale :: vestment :: d

husbandry :: sportsmanship :: dishonesty :: wastefulness :: friction :: cowardice :: d

hyperbole :: exaggeration :: climax :: curve :: understatement :: expansion :: d

hyperborean :: sultry :: pacific :: noteworthy :: western :: wooded :: a

ignominious :: uneducated :: resilient :: vigorous :: honorable :: dangerous :: d

ignominy :: fame :: isolation :: misfortune :: sorrow :: stupidity :: a

illusive :: not deceptive :: not certain :: not obvious :: not coherent :: not brilliant :: a

immaculate :: chastened :: chewed :: sullied :: angered :: beaten :: c

immediate :: complex :: limited :: future :: multiple :: tiring :: c

immunity :: incompatibility :: variability :: mortality :: irritability :: susceptibility :: e

immure :: inter :: liberate :: exhume :: exit :: incarcerate :: b

immutable :: silent :: changeable :: articulate :: loyal :: varied :: b

impalpable :: obvious :: combined :: high :: connecting :: lost :: a

impasse :: excuse :: dead end :: emotional :: open road :: maze :: d

impassive :: active :: demonstrative :: perfect :: anxious :: irritated :: b

impeccable :: unmentionable :: quotable :: blinding :: faulty :: hampering :: d

impecunious :: affluent :: afflicted :: affectionate :: affable :: afraid :: a

impecunious :: healthy :: polite :: possible :: prosperous :: curious :: d

impediment :: assistance :: pedestal :: partition :: burden :: speech :: a

imperturbable :: calm :: swift :: arable :: hysterical :: solemn :: d

impervious :: gallant :: brazen :: penetrable :: coherent :: intense :: c

impolitic :: campaigning :: advisable :: appropriate :: legal :: fortunate :: b

impotent :: criminal :: livid :: languid :: powerful :: vacant :: d

improbity :: integrity :: equilibrium :: generosity :: affluence :: lucidity :: a

improbity :: success :: honesty :: paucity :: likelihood :: presumption :: b

impromptu :: prompted :: appropriate :: rehearsed :: foolish :: vast :: c

impudent :: fresh :: embarrassed :: ashamed :: careful :: vain :: b

impunity :: violation :: liability :: joke :: play on words :: canard :: b

inadequate :: glossy :: rapid :: aspiring :: confining :: sufficient :: e

inadvertence :: strong character :: collective action :: careful attention :: unpleasant feature :: unhesitating obedience :: c

inane :: passive :: wise :: intoxicated :: mellow :: silent :: b

inanimate :: convicted :: progressive :: insane :: lively :: charming :: d

incessant :: interrupted :: intimate :: unceasing :: rejoicing :: cooling :: a

incipient :: concluding :: dangerous :: hasty :: secret :: widespread :: a

incipient :: exuberant :: full-bodied :: explicit :: plentiful :: full-blown :: e

inclement :: incipient :: inevitable :: new :: kind :: contrary :: d

inclement :: stirring :: apt :: fair :: opposed :: failing :: d

incogitable :: purposeful :: applicable :: conceivable :: exacting :: doubtful :: c

incredulity :: belief :: conviction :: gullibility :: sympathy :: consternation :: c

increment :: distortion :: innocence :: excrement :: decrease :: embrace :: d

indefatigable :: redolent :: exhausted :: famished :: regrettable :: ignorant :: b

indigenous :: national :: exciting :: alien :: intelligent :: inimical :: c

indigenous :: thoughtful :: acquired :: redundant :: unworthy :: sterile :: b

inebriation :: sobriety :: felicity :: jollity :: gravity :: piety :: a

ineluctable :: unwilling :: unusually small :: easily avoided :: fanciful :: frequently overlooked :: c

inflate :: converge :: inhibit :: audit :: minimize :: detect :: d

inhibit :: count :: bind :: encourage :: surprise :: demonstrate :: c

inimical :: unfriendly :: imitated :: alien :: morose :: amiable :: e

iniquitous :: famous :: attentive :: faithful :: sheltered :: equitable :: c

insidious :: cautious :: treacherous :: carefree :: loyal :: deceptive :: d

insipid :: wise :: cowardly :: cautious :: flavorful :: livid :: d

insipid :: wise :: flavorful :: cowardly :: cautious :: livid :: b

insolvent :: physically pure :: financially stable :: metaphysically correct :: chemically active :: emotionally strong :: b

inter :: exhume :: amuse :: relate :: frequent :: abandon :: a

intermittent :: heavy :: fleeting :: constant :: fearless :: responding :: c

intransigent :: stationary :: yielding :: incorruptible :: magnificent :: grandiose :: b

intrepid :: cold :: hot :: understood :: callow :: craven :: e

intrepid :: courageous :: contrary :: cowardly :: pedestrian :: stolid :: c

intrinsic :: extrinsic :: abnormal :: above :: abandoned :: basic :: a

inundate :: abuse :: deny :: swallow :: treat :: drain :: e

inured :: accustomed :: fitted :: intestate :: futile :: inexperienced :: e

inveigh :: forswear :: barter :: laud :: misuse :: remand :: c

inveterate :: casual :: public :: satisfactory :: trustworthy :: sophisticated :: a

inveterate :: inexperienced :: sophisticated :: professional :: wicked :: ascetic :: a

inveterate :: retroactive :: feasible :: easily eliminated :: unduly emotional :: carefully prepared :: c

invulnerable :: harmful :: baneful :: penetrable :: poisonous :: virtuous :: c

invulnerable :: harmful :: baneful :: penetrable :: viscous :: virtuous :: c

irascible :: placid :: fortuitous :: shameless :: entrancing :: yielding :: a

irrelevant :: lacking piety :: fragile :: congruent :: pertinent :: varied :: d

irreverent :: related :: mischievous :: respecting :: pious :: violent :: d

itinerant :: statuesque :: settled :: alien :: migratory :: educated :: b

jaded :: upright :: stimulated :: aspiring :: applied :: void :: b

jaundiced :: whitened :: inflamed :: quickened :: aged :: unbiased :: e

jocose :: comic :: morose :: connected :: contented :: disjointed :: b

jocular :: tuneful :: placid :: sympathetic :: boastful :: solemn :: e

juicy :: improper :: desiccated :: salacious :: stale :: fruity :: b

kith :: outfit :: strangers :: brothers :: ceramics tool :: quality :: b

labile :: intrinsic :: differential :: colorable :: restored :: stable :: e

lackadaisical :: monthly :: possessing time :: ambitious :: pusillanimous :: intelligent :: c

laconic :: banal :: lengthy :: tense :: turbid :: tacit :: b

laconic :: blithe :: incapable :: flagrant :: garrulous :: intransigent :: d

laconic :: cool :: voluble :: friendly :: militant :: fretful :: b

laconic :: milky :: verbose :: wicked :: flagrant :: derelict :: b

laconic :: voluble :: friendly :: militant :: fretful :: fashionable :: a

laconic :: wordy :: inconsistent :: morose :: merciful :: contrite :: a

lambaste :: permit :: prefer :: extol :: smooth completely :: support openly :: c

lampoon :: darken :: praise :: abandon :: sail :: fly :: b

languor :: rudeness :: ugliness :: success :: vigor :: poise :: d

lassitude :: aptitude :: civility :: strength :: jollity :: largess :: c

latent :: hidden :: forbidding :: execrable :: early :: obvious :: e

laudable :: haughty :: risible :: ignominious :: magnificent :: putrid :: c

laudatory :: dirtying :: disclaiming :: defamatory :: inflammatory :: debased :: c

lavish :: conclude :: hoard :: proclaim :: distinguish :: settle :: b

lechery :: karma :: apathy :: largess :: gratitude :: chastity :: e

lethargic :: comatose :: fascinated :: native :: indifferent :: awake :: e

lethargic :: convalescent :: beautiful :: enervating :: invigorating :: interrogating :: d

lethargic :: vigorous :: abominable :: allergic :: reasonable :: practical :: a

levity :: bridge :: dam :: praise :: blame :: solemnity :: e

levity :: veracity :: audacity :: felicity :: gravity :: depravity :: d

limber :: elongated :: slight :: relaxed :: unfortunate :: rigid :: e

limp :: true :: firm :: clear :: stark :: endless :: b

limpid :: erect :: turbid :: tangential :: timid :: weary :: b

lionize :: exculpate :: analyze :: anthropomorphize :: demote :: denigrate :: e

lithe :: stiff :: limpid :: facetious :: insipid :: vast :: a

livid :: alive :: mundane :: positive :: purplish :: vast :: d

loath :: loose :: evident :: deliberate :: eager :: tiny :: d

longevity :: latitude :: evanescence :: solemnity :: lightness :: futility :: b

loquacious :: positive :: placed :: taciturn :: turbid :: settled :: c

loquacious :: taciturn :: sentimental :: soporific :: soothing :: sedate :: a

loquacious :: tranquil :: skeptical :: morose :: taciturn :: witty : d

loutish :: boisterous :: provocative :: calamitous :: sophisticated :: insightful :: d

lucrative :: debasing :: fortunate :: influential :: monetary :: unprofitable :: e

lucrative :: unprofitable :: unimportant :: shining :: gloomy :: transparent :: a

lugubrious :: cheerful :: hungry :: skillful :: jealous :: wise :: a

lugubrious :: frantic :: cheerful :: burdensome :: oily :: militant :: b

lugubrious :: melancholy :: stormy :: sloppy :: portable :: gay :: e

lugubrious :: stormy :: heavy :: portable :: gay :: famous :: d

lumber :: align :: squelch :: swerve :: resist :: glide :: e

lurid :: dull :: duplicate :: heavy :: grotesque :: intelligent :: a

maculated :: unobserved :: unfocused :: unplanned :: unfeigned :: unspotted :: e

malediction :: misfortune :: hap :: fruition :: correct pronunciation :: benediction :: e

malevolent :: kindly :: vacuous :: ambivalent :: volatile :: primitive :: a

malign :: intersperse :: vary :: emphasize :: frighten :: eulogize :: e

malign :: prevaricate :: slander :: sin :: be irate :: eulogize :: e

malign :: straighten :: endow :: praise :: insult :: cancel :: c

malleable :: brittle :: blatant :: brilliant :: brownish :: basking :: a

maniacal :: demoniac :: saturated :: sane :: sanitary :: handcuffed :: c

maniacal :: sane :: lunatic :: handmade :: pert :: normal :: a

manifest :: limited :: obscure :: faulty :: varied :: vital :: b

mannered :: plain :: infantile :: progressive :: ignorant :: natural :: e

manumit :: print :: impress :: enslave :: endeavor :: fail :: c

manumit :: throw :: lock :: promise :: uncountable :: enslave :: e

maunder :: gibber :: masticate :: talk intelligently :: wander :: succeed :: c

mawkish :: sentimental :: sweet :: certain :: intelligent :: carefree :: d

mawkishness :: tediousness :: opulence :: intrepidity :: unsentimentality :: uneasiness :: d

mediocre :: medium :: short :: tall :: fortified :: superior :: e

mellifluous :: diaphanous :: munificent :: cacophonous :: stentorian :: impervious :: c

mellifluous :: porous :: honeycombed :: strong :: strident :: viscous :: d

mendacious :: broken :: efficacious :: truthful :: destructive :: brilliant :: c

meticulous :: meretricious :: remiss :: ingenuous :: carefree :: complacent :: b

miasma :: fragrant aroma :: noxious fumes :: scenario :: quantity :: total :: a

militant :: combative :: dramatic :: religious :: quaint :: pacific :: e

minatory :: reassuring :: genuine :: creative :: obvious :: awkward :: a

minion :: master :: quorum :: majority :: host :: beneficiary :: a

mitigate :: adore :: saturate :: proclaim :: exonerate :: intensify :: e

mitigate :: intensify :: defend :: mire :: frequent :: coax :: a

moiety :: fraction :: partition :: integer :: whole :: denominator :: d

mollify :: demonstrate :: violate :: intensify :: grapple :: refine :: c

mollify :: grind :: present :: allay :: quit :: provoke :: e

mollify :: roughen :: humiliate :: irritate :: prevent :: destroy :: c

momentous :: minutely :: unimportant :: hourly :: tiny :: connected :: b

momentous :: suitable :: hourly :: tiny :: unimportant :: simple :: d

moribund :: appropriate :: living :: deadly :: undertaker :: disgust :: b

moribund :: appropriate :: mortal :: beginning :: futile :: living :: e

moribund :: robust :: happy :: enamored :: isolated :: fastidious :: a

motility :: laxness :: insanity :: wisdom :: salvation :: paralysis :: e

motility :: liquidity :: stasis :: ascent :: propinquity :: tension :: b

mugwump :: disease :: loyal member :: atheist :: defector :: scribbler :: b

multifarious :: voluminous :: mundane :: noble :: monolithic :: unsurpassable :: d

mundane :: frightening :: timely :: playful :: ridiculous :: extraordinary :: e

mundane :: unearthly :: synthetic :: costly :: fragile :: complicated :: a

munificence :: appreciation :: deception :: modesty :: stinginess :: anxiety :: d

munificent :: miserly :: grandiose :: faulty :: perplexing :: rudimentary :: a

mutter :: please oneself :: resolve conflict :: speak distinctly :: digress randomly :: omit willingly :: c

myopic :: visionary :: farsighted :: moral :: glassy :: blind :: b

nadir :: calamity :: perdition :: apex :: nexus :: self-control :: c

nadir :: lack of safety :: pinnacle :: virtue :: pollution :: criminal :: b

naïveté :: armaments :: sophistication :: ingenuousness :: futility :: recital :: b

nascency :: excitement :: decency :: conclusion :: venality :: lament :: c

nascent :: fading :: reoccurring :: loyal :: treacherous :: unnamed :: a

nebulous :: debatable :: hazy :: indefinite :: stormy :: clear :: e

nebulous :: hypothetical :: querulous :: bickering :: distinct :: forgetful :: d

nebulous :: starry :: clear :: cold :: fundamental :: porous :: b

nefarious :: grotesque :: virtuous :: jovial :: pious :: ceremonial :: b

nefarious :: virtuous :: pedestrian :: resourceful :: sordid :: potent :: a

nefarious :: wanton :: lackadaisical :: angelic :: mortal :: dastardly :: c

nefarious :: wanton :: lacking :: benign :: impious :: futile :: c

negation :: postulation :: hypothecation :: affirmation :: violation :: anticipation :: c

neophyte :: experiment :: clue :: veteran :: research :: novice :: c

neophyte :: veteran :: satellite :: aspirant :: handwriting :: violence :: a

nettle :: mortify :: mollify :: magnify :: blister :: magnetize :: b

nexus :: antiquity :: schism :: abundance :: cache :: purport :: b

niggardly :: lavish :: destitute :: peccant :: cloyed :: palliative :: a

niggardly :: protected :: biased :: prodigal :: bankrupt :: placated :: c

nocturnal :: harsh :: marauding :: patrolling :: daily :: fallow :: d

nocturnal :: sheer :: placid :: serene :: daily :: starry :: d

noisome :: luxurious :: beneficial :: idyllic :: moronic :: sedate :: b

noisome :: quiet :: dismayed :: fragrant :: sleepy :: inquisitive :: c

nonstriated :: marked :: striped :: plagued :: stippled :: stripped :: b

notorious :: fashionable :: renowned :: infamous :: intrepid :: invincible :: b

notorious :: maladroit :: expert :: unknown :: libelous :: angelic :: e

nucleate :: displace :: scatter :: preserve :: smother :: deactivate :: b

nugatory :: tasteful :: unlimited :: innovative :: fashionable :: consequential :: e

obdurate :: complaisant :: similar :: commensurate :: uncommunicative :: transitory :: a

obdurate :: complaisant :: similar :: commensurate :: uncommunicative :: transitory :: a

obdurate :: rapidly moving :: closely knit :: overly affectionate :: foul-smelling :: easily swayed :: e

obdurate :: stirring :: curable :: durable :: easily swayed :: navigable :: d

obdurate :: unsusceptible :: tender :: right :: intelligent :: meager :: b

obdurate :: yielding :: fleeting :: finite :: fascinating :: permanent :: a

obdurate :: yielding :: motivated :: moribund :: azure :: hard :: a

obese :: fat :: strong :: cadaverous :: emancipated :: square :: c

obese :: hungry :: transparent :: fatal :: slim :: shrewd :: d

obese :: skillful :: cadaverous :: clever :: unpredictable :: lucid :: b

obfuscate :: clarify :: entomb :: overeat :: be thrifty :: be different :: a

obfuscate :: suppress :: elucidate :: reprimand :: absolve :: protract :: b

obligatory :: demanding :: optional :: facile :: available :: required :: b

obloquy :: directness :: tortuousness :: praise :: kindling :: migration :: c

obloquy :: praise :: rectangle :: circle :: dialogue :: cure :: a

obloquy :: praise :: retort :: monologue :: divorce :: disgrace :: a

obsequious :: successful :: democratic :: supercilious :: ambitious :: lamentable :: c

obsequiousness :: sententiousness :: gregariousness :: imperiousness :: opprobrium :: efficacy :: c

obsession :: whim :: loss :: phobia :: delusion :: feud :: a

obsolete :: heated :: desolate :: renovated :: frightful :: automatic :: c

obstreperous :: turbid :: quiet :: remote :: obnoxious :: active :: b

obtuse :: clear :: transplanted :: shrewish :: tense :: shrewd :: e

obtuse :: sheer :: transparent :: tranquil :: timid :: shrewd :: e

odious :: fragrant :: redolent :: fetid :: delightful :: puny :: d

odium :: ease :: fragrance :: resignation :: eccentricity :: infatuation :: e

odium :: noise :: liking :: dominant :: hasty :: atrium :: b

odium :: shame :: aptitude :: anachronism :: affection :: futility :: d

off-key :: with sensitive phrasing :: with a suitable instrument :: at the right volume :: at a regular beat :: at the proper pitch :: e

omnipotent :: weak :: democratic :: despotic :: passionate :: late :: a

omnipresent :: taxing :: total :: limited :: ignorant :: magnificent :: c

omniscient :: powerful :: scientific :: wasteful :: magnanimous :: ignorant :: e

omniscient :: powerful :: weak :: scheduled :: wasteful :: ignorant :: e

omniscient :: sophisticated :: ignorant :: essential :: trivial :: isolated :: b

opaque :: feverish :: monstrous :: inclined :: resolved :: transparent :: e

opportune :: occasional :: fragrant :: fragile :: awkward :: neglected :: d

opportune :: occasional :: weeping :: fragile :: awkward :: timely :: d

opportunist :: man of destiny :: man of principle :: changeling :: adversary :: colleague :: b

opprobrious :: meretricious :: innocuous :: invulnerable :: irreproachable :: ambitious :: d

opprobrious :: stagnant :: pertinent :: convenient :: comprehensive :: commendatory :: e

opprobrium :: delineation :: aptitude :: majesty :: freedom :: praise :: e

optimum :: pessimistic :: knowledgeable :: worst :: minimum :: opprobrious :: c

opulence :: affluence :: stocks :: poverty :: checks :: eyestrain :: c

opulence :: pessimism :: patriotism :: potency :: passion :: poverty :: e

opulent :: sanguine :: futile :: penurious :: gemlike :: keen :: c

ornate :: candid :: decorative :: simple :: private :: inherent :: c

orotund :: not reddish :: not resonant :: loud :: pompous :: not eager :: b

oscillate :: embrace :: vary :: remain fixed :: turn to the west :: entreat :: c

ossify :: create consensus :: placate critics :: reassemble fragments :: transcend conventions :: overlook problems :: d

ostentatious :: showy :: plain :: divine :: niggardly :: noisome :: b

ostentatious :: uninhibited :: unpretentious :: unimpressive :: detrimental :: careless :: b

outset :: regression :: series :: exit :: interruption :: termination :: e

overt :: frank :: reversed :: inverted :: hidden :: public :: d

overt :: hidden :: blatant :: despicable :: reversed :: canceled :: a

overweening :: humble :: impotent :: avid :: acrimonious :: exaggerated :: a

pacifist :: objector :: artillery :: militarist :: drill :: troop :: c

paean :: native :: Mexican laborer :: dirge :: eulogy :: mate :: c

paean :: native :: Mexican laborer :: dirge :: mate :: freeman :: c

paean :: serf :: pealing :: lien :: lament :: folly :: d

palatial :: tasty :: fetid :: disordered :: extreme :: humble :: e

palatial :: wealthy :: small :: belonging to the throat :: adenoidal :: poverty :: b

palliate :: apologize :: hesitate :: wait impatiently :: decide finally :: worsen :: e

palliate :: increase the intensity of :: expand the scope of :: enhance the appeal of :: accelerate the diffusion of :: extend the endurance of :: a

pallid :: weak :: fainting :: wan :: robust :: ruddy :: e

palpability :: infertility :: inflammability :: intangibility :: intractability :: intolerability :: c

palpable :: perceptible :: friendly :: implacable :: disturbed :: intangible :: e

paltry :: munificent :: improvident :: canine :: sordid :: cautious :: a

paltry :: trivial :: myriad :: frightened :: unimportant :: significant :: e

pandemonium :: amusement :: tumult :: torment :: calm :: epidemic :: d

pandemonium :: calm :: frustration :: efficiency :: impishness :: sophistication :: a

panegyric :: appropriation :: fascination :: adornment :: avoidance :: denunciation :: e

paranoia :: fracture :: statement :: quantity :: benefaction :: sanity :: e

pariah :: country :: favorite :: diocese :: patriot :: renegade :: b

parry :: return :: delay :: discuss :: ward off :: thrust :: c

parsimonious :: grammatical :: syntactical :: effective :: extravagant :: esoteric :: d

paucity :: pouch :: peace :: quickness :: abundance :: nuisance :: d

pejorative :: lacking virtuous character :: possessing few luxuries :: having favorable connotations :: following domestic pursuits :: providing utilitarian value :: c

pellucid :: similar :: opaque :: extravagant :: insane :: cowardly :: b

penchant :: distance :: imminence :: dislike :: attitude :: void :: c

penitent :: poverty stricken :: affluent :: absorbent :: solid :: unrepentant :: e

perdition :: remnant :: regret :: deception :: salvation :: injustice :: d

peregrinate :: argue with emotion :: choose with great care :: remain in one spot :: toss in bed :: forget one's manners :: c

perennial :: vegetable :: minute :: long-lived :: permanent :: promiscuous :: b

perfidious :: awkward :: homely :: faithful :: comprehensible :: ignorant :: c

perfidy :: fealty :: competence :: affection :: accuracy :: assiduity :: a

perfunctory :: official :: thorough :: insipid :: vicarious :: distinctive :: b

perseverance :: obvious suffering :: abnormal tranquillity :: lack of promptness :: cessation of effort :: frequency of occurrence :: d

pertain :: be apathetic :: be illegitimate :: be irrevocable :: be incongruous :: be irrelevant :: e

philistine :: perfectionist :: aesthete :: iconoclast :: critic :: cynic :: b

phlegmatic :: hoarse :: voluntary :: oral :: effusive :: impulsive :: d

phlegmatic :: vivacious :: valiant :: arid :: healthy :: mature :: a

pied :: delicately formed :: precisely detailed :: solid-colored :: smooth :: luminous :: c

pillory :: edify :: truncate :: magnify :: venerate :: delineate :: d

pillory :: foster :: lament :: forgive :: enjoy :: exalt :: e

pinch :: important accomplishment :: apt translation :: abundant amount :: opportune acquisition :: unfamiliar period :: c

piquancy :: delicacy :: solidity :: acidity :: wholesomeness :: blandness :: e

piquant :: bland :: toxic :: corpulent :: unified :: quibbling :: a

piquant :: shocking :: jovial :: rigorous :: merry :: bland :: e

pith :: untimely action :: insufficient attention :: routine treatment :: rigid formulation :: superficial element :: e

plasticity :: tightness :: contiguity :: stasis :: rigidity :: order :: d

plethora :: despair :: denial :: avarice :: aversion :: scarcity :: e

plethora :: piety :: agility :: paucity :: chagrin :: harmony :: c

plumb :: lofty :: light :: thin :: reversed :: horizontal :: e

polemic :: agreement :: continuation :: catastrophe :: farce :: cancellation :: a

polemical :: imitative :: lavish :: conciliatory :: attractive :: modest :: c

porous :: inadmissible :: intractable :: impermeable :: impalpable :: implacable :: c

postulate :: undulate :: prove :: peculate :: palpitate :: disenchant :: b

postulate :: verify :: deter :: reject :: congregate :: defame :: a

prate :: refuse to pray :: prey on passerby :: refrain from speaking :: determine the cost :: run a risk :: c

prate :: remark casually :: laugh raucously :: talk meaningfully :: weep copiously :: whisper fearfully :: c

precarious :: clever :: recent :: anxious :: clearly intended :: firmly grounded :: e

precarious :: safe :: covert :: rescued :: revived :: pledged :: a

preciosity :: awkward situation :: provoking manner :: vulgarism :: impiety :: eccentricity :: c

precipitate :: deliberate :: determined :: dissident :: desperate :: divided :: a

precipitate :: fast :: anticipatory :: cautious :: considerate :: dry :: c

precipitate :: nervous :: rainy :: cautious :: private :: popular :: c

precipitous :: pleasantly sweet :: overly ambitious :: agreeably situated :: publicly known :: gently sloping :: e

precipitous :: well-planned :: gargantuan :: prolific :: short-lived :: extremely hostile :: a

precursory :: slandering :: satisfactory :: succeeding :: unpretentious :: glassy :: c

prefatory :: outstanding :: magnificent :: conclusive :: intelligent :: predatory :: c

prejudiced :: straightforward :: unmoved :: disinterested :: sentimental :: even-tempered :: c

prelude :: intermezzo :: overture :: aria :: aftermath :: duplication :: d

prelude :: scene :: prologue :: conclusion :: aftermath :: intermezzo :: c

presumption :: assertion :: activation :: motivation :: proposition :: humility :: e

pretentious :: imaginative :: dreamy :: modest :: feuding :: conservative :: c

pretentious :: ominous :: calm :: unassuming :: futile :: volatile :: c

prevaricate :: hesitate :: lie :: misbehave :: persistent :: tell the truth :: e

prevarication :: tact :: consistency :: veracity :: silence :: proof :: c

prim :: first :: last :: needless :: improper :: rare :: d

prim :: informal :: prior :: exterior :: private :: cautious :: b

pristine :: corrupted by civilization :: acquired by stealth :: destroyed by adversity :: established by tradition :: proved by experimentation :: a

pristine :: corrupted by civilization :: acquired by stealth :: destroyed by adversity :: established by tradition :: proved by experimentation :: a

pristine :: cultivated :: condemned :: crude :: cautious :: critical :: a

pristine :: ruthless :: seductive :: coarse :: commonplace :: contaminated :: e

probity :: fallacy :: philosophy :: audit :: corruptibility :: avidity :: d

probity :: regret :: assumption :: corruptibility :: extent :: upswing :: c

probity :: research :: watch :: error :: tome :: corruptibility :: e

proclivity :: insipidity :: disinclination :: effrontery :: antithesis :: contingency :: b

proclivity :: prodigality :: avoidance :: credence :: calumny :: awkward :: b

proclivity :: proposition :: propensity :: aversion :: activity :: delay:: c

procrastinate :: eulogize :: invest :: expedite :: insinuate :: mediate :: c

prodigal :: wandering :: fierce :: average :: cross :: thrifty :: e

prodigal :: wandering :: thrifty :: consistent :: compatible :: errant :: b

prodigious :: implicit :: slight :: constant :: unnecessary :: premature :: b

prodigious :: infinitesimal :: indignant :: indifferent :: indisposed :: insufficient :: a

prodigious :: lugubrious :: injurious :: tiring :: minute :: hazy :: d

profane :: sanctify :: desecrate :: define :: manifest :: urge :: a

progenitor :: harbinger :: parent :: opponent :: salesman :: descendant :: e

prolix :: stupid :: indifferent :: redundant :: livid :: pithy :: e

prolix :: terse :: arid :: speechless :: upperclass :: masterful :: a

prolix :: terse :: sheer :: circular :: curative :: morbid :: a

prologue :: soliloquy :: trilogy :: analogue :: dialogue :: epilogue :: e

promontory :: backwardness :: lack of obligation :: scapegoat :: depression :: resistance :: d

propinquity :: distance :: succulence :: antiquity :: tedium :: justice :: a

propinquity :: remoteness :: uniqueness :: health :: virtue :: simplicity :: a

propitiate :: anger :: depart :: hurt :: applaud :: promote :: a

propitious :: adjacent :: remote :: clandestine :: unfavorable :: coy :: d

propitious :: magnanimous :: maligning :: unfavorable :: inclining :: declining :: c

propitious :: rich :: induced :: promoted :: indicative :: unfavorable :: e

prosaic :: fulsome :: mundane :: extraordinary :: certain :: gregarious :: c

prosaic :: pacified :: reprieved :: pensive :: imaginative :: rhetorical :: d

prosaic :: realistic :: dreamy :: forgiven :: thoughtful :: imaginative :: e

prosaic :: romantic :: opposed :: inured :: fictional :: biographical :: a

proscribe :: predict :: sanction :: reciprocate :: delineate :: codify :: b

protean :: depriving :: flowering :: uniform :: universal :: separate :: c

protract :: make circular :: shorten :: further :: retrace :: involve :: b

protract :: postpone :: summarize :: stripe :: shorten :: defy :: d

provincial :: wealthy :: crass :: literary :: aural :: sophisticated :: e

provisional :: permanent :: perfect :: ancient :: suitable :: negligent :: a

proximate :: purposefully designed :: nontransferable :: distant :: insincere :: inquisitive :: c

pseudo :: rough :: solemn :: mature :: belated :: genuine :: e

puerile :: fragrant :: adult :: lonely :: feminine :: masterly :: b

puerile :: savory :: aromatic :: mature :: sterile :: weak :: c

puissant :: pouring :: fashionable :: articulate :: healthy :: weak :: e

pulchritude :: ugliness :: notoriety :: bestiality :: masculinity :: servitude :: a

punctilious :: happy :: active :: vivid :: careless :: futile :: d

punctilious :: tardy :: correct :: careless :: apathetic :: repulsive :: c

punctuality :: frailty :: veracity :: effectiveness :: tardiness :: rigidity :: d

punitive :: large :: vindictive :: rewarding :: restive :: languishing :: c

pusillanimous :: extraordinary :: lackadaisical :: courageous :: vacillating :: vindictive :: c

putative :: colonial :: quarrelsome :: undisputed :: powerful :: unremarkable :: c

putrid :: sick :: lovely :: aromatic :: arrogant :: humid :: c

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